Paris Version  la Franaise
Savoir-Faire Gourmet Culturel Dcouverte Littraire

mardi 10 novembre 2009

The French Revolution at Musee Carnavalet

The French Revolution took place mainly in Paris and is always a fascinating period of our history.

In its new exhibit, the Musée Canavalet presents a part of its collection which has never been done till now, and especially items and clothes of the royal family (Marie-Antoinette shoes, Dauphin's costume...), and this in a chronogical way corresponding to the main periods : fall of the monarchy, Republic of the Jacobins, Directoire.

Don't miss the other part of the exhibit on the 1rst floor : the English caricatures of this time.

They are rude and with no kindness to the Frenchies we were at this time !


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