Paris Version  la Franaise
Savoir-Faire Gourmet Culturel Dcouverte Littraire

jeudi 3 septembre 2009

Fauchon's eclairs

I don't like advertising especially for luxury brands because they are already well known and don't need my blog...
But today, I'd like telling you more about Fauchon's eclairs, and it's 5th celebratrion.
I just passed by the boutique at Madeleine today and was very impressed by the new card especially edited for the next week-end : 45 savoury and salted or sweet creative variations of this French mythical dessert, all rich in colours, flavours and full of fantasy.
Don't miss them next week-end (Sept. 4/5/09/2009) and if you try them let me know if they are as good as they look like on the card!

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